Allergen Compliance, Minimising the Business Risk

Allergen compliance is one of the key priorities for restaurateurs. Failure to comply with the current Legislation (EU Foods information for consumers regulation no. 1169/2011) is absolute negligence; which may result in severe business liability risks.

Over 2 million people in the UK have a food allergy and an estimated 600,000 have coeliac disease. This means that restaurants must take all the precautions necessary to ensure that their guests do not end up having mild or even severe anaphylactic reactions.

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Attract customers with four-legged companions to dog-friendly pubs

United Kingdom has 8.5 million dog owners, with over 32,000 businesses and public places registered on it’s Dog-friendly Database. Having a dog-friendly business is only half of the formula to leap ahead of the competition and chew up a piece of the market share. The other half is working to create exceptional customer experiences for both owners and their companions.  Continue reading “Attract customers with four-legged companions to dog-friendly pubs”

Melis Restaurant introduces getWaiter! to excel in customer experience

Last month, the owner of Melis Restaurant; Yelda Mackley came across a press release by the Bar Magazine: ‘New smartphone app helps customers call their waiter’. The article shared how the app’s capability can improve dining experiences whilst keeping staff at the heart of customer service. For that reason alone, getWaiter! stood out as the most obvious solution. Continue reading “Melis Restaurant introduces getWaiter! to excel in customer experience”