getWaiter! The Ultimate Mystery Shopper Tool

getWaiter! The Ultimate Mystery Shopper Tool!

Could it be considered that we substitute dedicated mystery shoppers for technological advances? Solutions, which not only gather mass quantitative and qualitative data, but also, come at a fraction of the price? A departure from traditional methods of collecting research data can begin.

The only mystery is to what extent can this transition occur without jeopardising the quality of the gathered information.

A natural movement of customers who are willing to share their experiences is continuously rising. The shear spectrum of various social media platforms and review websites available makes it effortless for all types of clientele to take advantage of and talk about the service they have received. Hotels, resorts and other hospitality entities should stay alert to the extent to which a comment or an online review can affect the business’s prosperity.

The fragility of the hospitality industry lies solemnly on the extent to which they are able to measure, manage and improve their customer experience. While conventional methods of employing a mystery shopper certainly prove to gather all the hunted answers to define the grounds on which the company stand for with their customer service, we are entering an era where such information can be obtained 24/7.

Mystery Shoppers: Review

Mystery shoppers are experts in their roles; however there is no reason for technology to offer lower performance with the quality of the data it could gather. The getWaiter! app can help you utilise and achieve means to measure, manage and therefore improve your customer service. Amongst many of its uses the app can deliver, just like a mystery shopper, a detailed report concerning time efficiency. In addition it is possible to direct any good feedback to social media pages whilst poor ones are held for internal reviews only. Such feedback is gathered directly by the app after its use; therefore you are monitoring numerous reference points by real customers all day, every day. The data analytics will become a figure of merit for your business, however if an exiting report formats such as NPS (Net Promoter Score) is already in place it can be easily integrated with, to make it even more powerful.

The granularity of data depends on the subscription chosen. Only 3 or 4 customers using getWaiter! per day are equivalent to 100 mystery shoppers per month. A much more statistically robust sample than 1 or 2 dedicated mystery shop visit per month. To discover your ultimate mystery shopper tool visit