Attract customers with four-legged companions to dog-friendly pubs

United Kingdom has 8.5 million dog owners, with over 32,000 businesses and public places registered on it’s Dog-friendly Database. Having a dog-friendly business is only half of the formula to leap ahead of the competition and chew up a piece of the market share. The other half is working to create exceptional customer experiences for both owners and their companions.  Continue reading “Attract customers with four-legged companions to dog-friendly pubs”

Technology – Will it ever replace good customer service?

Technology is inevitably a part of everyone’s life nowadays. Our use of technological devices extend far and beyond, therefore those in favour of its future developments and improvements will be continuously benefiting from the ease it brings to the human world. Technology already has a big control over how we manage and live our lives, there is no shame in admitting that we have to be adaptable to its perks in order to maintain our presence in the 21st Century.

Continue reading “Technology – Will it ever replace good customer service?”