Whilst technology in hospitality can be an enabler for aiding and so improving customer service it should never be regarded as a replacement for the all important “human touch”.
Much like a SatNav is unlikely to make you a better driver it can, however, usually help you get to your destination more efficiently and with reduced frustration.
The new hospitality app getWaiter! aims to reduce the time between a guest making a decision to order food or more drinks and the waiter becoming aware of the request and hence responding. Even a really good waiter can struggle to manage large serving areas and see a hand in the air whereas with the tap of a button on the guests smartphone the getWaiter app logs the request which is then immediately visible on the waiter station tablet(s). Each customer request is logged in sequence reducing queue jumping and helping new staff deliver fast and efficient service.
People have voted for SatNavs around the world by universally adopting them to make their lives easier. Put your “map” away and give your guests what they deserve – getWaiter!